To protect customers from wrong information about snoring and apnea, the Stop Snoring Now Shophas explained truths about snoring and apnea. They want to set the record straight especially now that issues concerning snoring and apnea such as signs of sleep apnea have been clouded with myths because of unscrupulous commercialization.
In an article written by Dr. Gunter Basel from Stop Snoring Now Shop, it has said that 99% of all cases of snoring and apnea are due to wrong breathing. During sleep, breathing through the nose is almost impossible, thereby, breathing is done with the mouth open. There, the tongue blocks the wind pipe which causes snoring which is one of sleep apnea symptoms.
As people age, the muscles in the nose and face weaken causing the gradual collapse of the nostrils which makes breathing through the nose more difficult during sleep.
In order to avoid snoring and developing further signs of sleep apnea, Dr. Basel has recommended keeping the windpipe open by using anti-snoring aids. However, it is very essential, especially to those who have higher risks in acquiring sleep apnea such as those who are obese and who snore heavily not to use common snoring mouthpiece products.
Furthermore, Dr Basel has pronounced that 80% of anti-snore products only fight sleep apnea symptoms and they cannot instantly provide cure. Nevertheless, people who have symptoms of sleep apnea still tend to use impractical snoring mouthpiece to give temporary relief.
People exhibiting signs of sleep apnea should undergo sleep apnea test to confirm the existence of apnea. Thereafter, proper nose products can be administered.
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